By using the Odradek, Sam's shoulder-mounted robot assist, you can better evaluate the finer details on the ground ahead of you. Take it slow and pay attention to the surfaces you're walking be wary of rocks and steep inclines. Slow and steady movement is the name of the game in Death Stranding, and you'll need to be constantly aware of the topography you're walking across. You're intended to travel across long stretches carrying tons of cargo, but if you're not smart about how you navigate the environment, Sam can quickly lose his footing and eat dirt. Unlike other open-world games where covering large amounts of ground can be easy, Death Stranding has a considerably slower pace. There is a purpose for this, and it's all about putting you in the shoes of a delivery man carrying a heavy load of valuable cargo across treacherous landscapes.

When you take your first steps during the opening hours, you'll immediately notice that even basic movement feels particularly demanding. Got any essential tips you don't see below? Let us know in the comments below. It's a game that requires patience, compassion, and love, and it's also one we really need right now." It's positive without ignoring pain in fact, it argues in both its story and its gameplay that adversity itself is what makes things worth doing and life worth living. That comes through much more clearly in the game's more mundane moments, when you find a desperately-needed ladder left behind by another player or receive a letter from an NPC thanking you for your efforts. "There are many intertwining threads to its plot, and silly names, corny moments, and heavy exposition belie an otherwise very simple message. "Death Stranding is a hard game to absorb," said Plagge.

We've detailed below all our insight around the game's basic mechanics up until Chapter 3, as well as provided tips to best help you succeed in becoming the legendary porter destined to re-establish the United Cities of America. If Death Stranding's first few chapters have thrown you into hardship, then you've come to the right place.
It's worth noting that this guide is based on the original PS4 version of Death Stranding, but the overall experience on PS5 is still the same and is enhanced by several gameplay updates. As you can imagine, this is no easy task, as there are plenty of obstacles that stand in your way of accomplishing this.

As Sam Porter Bridges, your goal is to travel across a post-apocalyptic America and connect dozens of waystations to what's known as the Chiral network-a system that promises to reunite the country once more. Delivering cargo and completing objectives in the updated PS5 version of the game from Hideo Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions is simple enough, but navigating in and around the game's bizarre, often treacherous world is its biggest challenge. Death Stranding: Director's Cut has an undeniably harsh introduction to its world that plays out over the course of five hours.