Thunder and lightning
Thunder and lightning

Schneider, 1995: Seasonal surrogate for climate, J. Part I: Diameter, intensity and mass flux, J. Zipser, 1980: Cumulonimbus vertical velocity events in GATE. Lemone, 1989: Vertical velocity in oceanic convection off tropical Australia, J. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2007: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Stohl, 2007: Lightning-produced NOx over Brazil during TROCCINOX: Airborne measurements in tropical and subtropical thunderstorms and the importance of mesoscale convective systems, Atmos. Woodberry, 1993: The diurnal cycle of tropical convection, J. Boldi, 1998: Total global lightning inferred from Schumann resonance mesurements, J. Mardiana, 2001: Impact of the 1997–98 El Nino on lightning activity over Indonesia, Geophys. Grewe, V., 2007: Impact of climate variability on tropospheric ozone, Sci.

thunder and lightning

Grewe, 2003: Sensitivity studies of oxidative changes in the troposphere in 2100 using the GISS GCM, Atmos. Del Genio, 2007: Relationships between lightning and properties of convective cloud clusters, Geophys. Fraser-Smith, 1998: Global lightning and climate variability inferred from ELF field variations, Geophys. Jonas, 2007: Will moist convection be stronger in a warmer climate? Geophys. Boeck, et al., 2003: Global frequency and distribution of lightning as observed from space by the Optical Transient Detector, J. Res., 51, 221–236.Ĭarey, L.D, and K.M Buffalo, 2007: Environmental control of cloud-to-ground lightning polarity in severe storms, Mon. Gadian, 1999: Relationship between lightning activity and various thundercloud parameters: Satellite and modeling studies, Atmos. Latham, 1995: A computational study of the relationships linking lightning frequency and other thundercloud parameters, Quart. Fullekrug, 2000: The manifestation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in global deep convection and in the Schumann resonance intensity, J. Manes, 2002: The paradoxical increase of Mediterranean extreme daily rainfall in spite of decrease in total values, Geophys.

thunder and lightning thunder and lightning

Pickering, 2002: Evaluation of lightning flash rate parameterizations for use in a global chemical transport model, J. Climate model studies show that in a future warmer climate we may have less thunderstorms overall, but more intense thunderstorms, which may increase the amount of lightning by 10% for every one degree global warming. Lightning itself is also linked to variations in upper tropospheric water vapour, and tropospheric ozone, both of which are strong greenhouse gases. Lightning activity is positively correlated with surface temperatures on short time scales, and due to projections of a warmer climate in the future, one of the key questions is related to the impact of future global warming on lightning, thunderstorms, and other severe weather. The diurnal and seasonal heating of the continental landmasses results in large fluctuations in temperature, influencing atmospheric stability, and the development of thunderstorms. The distribution of lightning around the planet is directly linked to the Earth’s climate, which is driven by solar insolation.

Thunder and lightning